Hello World

1 minute read


The very first blog on my personal website! In the future, I will use this blog section to share findings during my life, please stay tuned!

In this blog, let me introduce a little bit about myself.

My childhood

I was born at Anqing, Anhui in 1993, and raised in a small village, there I completed my first 3 years of elmentary school study, then in 2002, my parents immigrated to Beijing, the capital of China, so I transferred there as well to continue the study.

My junior school and middle school

In 2007, I was in the 8th grade, usually students in this stage should prepare for the High School Entrance Exam. Unfortunately, due to the admission limitation posed by the education bureau of Beijing that immgrants without registration on the household department could not take that exam and been admitted by any high schools. Given this circumstance, I had to transfer back to my hometown to complete the rest of study. Thanksfully, in 2008, I passed the High School Entrance Exam and was admitted by the best high school in my county, which is Taihu Middle School.

Essentially, in China, attending a high school paves the way to the Universities. Students spend threes years in high school to get the primary study in Science and Literature. Back to my school time, at the beginning of my second year, students have to choose one topic from two tracks, either the Literature track or the Science track as their subject of College Entrance Exam. Based on my superiority on mathmatic and phyisic, I choosed Science track.

In the high school, the 3 years study equipped me the ground-knowledge about logic and philosophy. Meanwhile, I learned a lot from my teachers and peer classmates.

My ungraduate

I took the College Entrance Exam in 2011, at Anhui province. I passed the exam and was admitted by Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA). I spent 4 years in Electronic Engeering at Automation college.